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01 D_Max 03-27-2012 12:50 PM

She's pregnant!
Well guys you are the first to know. I haven't even told the family. My wife went to the doctors and found out that she is pregnant. We have been trying. This was not an accident. I'm going on 28, and dont want a kid in my house when I'm 50. haha

She's going on 10 or 11 weeks. And she is weird. Everything smells bad to her, and she is always in discompfort. Can't sleep, pees 24-7, no appetite, and has no energy. The worst part is she wants to be left alone, no play time! I hope that changes SOON!

Midnight Smoker 03-27-2012 12:58 PM

LOL, Well first CONGRATS :cheers: as far as getting more energy or the rest of it, idk. Don't have a wee one yet, but been around a few preggers women, and I never saw any improvement...lol

Bdons-SD 03-27-2012 01:17 PM

Congrats man! It'll change.. If you're talking about "attention" type of attention that'll ramp up ha ha. Have fun with the emotional roller coaster though! Say goodbye to some of your favorite snacks because just the smell of it will make her sick. My kid is 18 months and my wife still doesnt touch certain foods. Every woman is different though.

I know what you mean though, we bought a house had secure jobs, plenty of savings and nice cars, we were in the perfect situation to have a kid. Only problem was I was 22 and my wife was 21. We said screw it, I wanna be able to enjoy life when the kid goes to college. 40's the new 30 right? Plus I wanted to be young enough to play with her and have fun and not be a grumpy old fart. Have fun man! It's a blast!

01 D_Max 03-27-2012 01:30 PM

Yeah, that's the attention I was talking about! I already feel alot more pain than a couple years ago. I want to play with my kids, so gotta get goin on it. I feel really bad for her because she doesn't just have morning sickness, she is sick all day. I feel useless, because for me nothing has changed, for her everything is changing already.

Bdons-SD 03-27-2012 02:16 PM

I felt the same way. Just help out best you can, do double duty, regular work and house work. Every once in awhile I'd buy a pack of bottles, some bibs or a onsie. It keeps the excitement up. And it's crap y'all are goin to buy anyway. If she craves a certain food all the time, bring it home for her. My wife wanted nothing but tuna sammiches and cottage cheese. I'd stop by the store and get the giant tubs of cottage cheese, the. Swing by subway and get her a tuna sammich. Stuff like that makes a big difference to her and helps you feel better.

westtnfx4 03-27-2012 02:55 PM

Congrats :cheers: my ole lady wanted shag all the time when she was pregnant (nothing new for her) :pimp: but yeah she was a roller coaster on the emotions but overall she handled it well. I have a girl that's almost 16 and a boy that's almost 12. We called it quits after that on having more. I figure one of each in this day and age is plenty and man was I right :jester:

Bdons-SD 03-27-2012 04:10 PM

^^^ x2 I'd like a second (hopefulley a boy) but that's it for me.

Davenportdiesel 03-27-2012 05:29 PM

Congratulations man!!!

Agjake11 03-27-2012 06:22 PM

Congrats man. It'll be a fun ride till the baby comes. It'll be good an bad.

Stroked68 03-27-2012 07:04 PM

Congrats! I like kids when they are old enough to ride atvs and dirtbikes. haha. My ex used to babysit her family and friends kids and little infants around got me out of a kid stage. Its enough to drive me insane. I like to play with the kids then givem right back haha.

06VT365 03-28-2012 12:06 AM

Congrats! I am enjoying our first child, 4 month old little girl. Its an amazing experiance, yes it changes a lot of things...but it is totally worth it!

I feel for ya on the helpless feeling! Wait till delivery, then you will really feel helpless!

I am 31 and do wish I had started a few years earlier, but then again my dad was 41 when I was born and we, had, and still have an awesome relationship.

Hope your wife gets over the sickness so she can enjoy the pregnancy a bit!

You going to find out if its boy or girl or wait for a suprise?

04.5handshaker 03-28-2012 04:21 AM

Congrats!! I'm 31 and I don't want kids!!! My nieces and nephew are hellions and my nephew is the baby of the 3...and yes he a baby lol I can't even rough house with him (he's 5) b/c he cries.. good luck and hope it all goes well. Probably gonna have to give up the Diesel lol

ssgjohnson 03-28-2012 07:17 PM

Congradulations! just so you know, morning sickness is just the name its given because its generally worse in the AM, but its not restricted to that time frame. my wife had it all day and all night with our second set of twins.

the discomfort is because her body is beginning to adjust itself to carry the baby. ligaments are going to stretch and the skin will too. not a pleasant feeling im sure.

Most women feel too ill in the beginning stages to be intimate, but generally, the libido comes back twice what it was after a bit. i cant remember the exact time frame, but its a common thing during pregnancy. its actually likely that you will have trouble keeping up when it hits... and then, if you dont act completely enthused with the idea of intimacy, be prepared for the lowest point of that emotional roller coaster.

Babies will change who you are, especially daughters. I remember I had plans of turning my son into a little lady killin pimp...and then my first child was a girl. all of a sudden, i didnt trust anything with a wang. even now that i have two sons and four daughters, i make sure that my boys understand how to respect women, and dont see them objectively.

Once the baby comes, be prepared to lose some sleep in the beginning. Our first we spent like two months not sleeping until she finally started sleeping all night. With the rest of our kids, we learned that crying doesnt cause pain or death, so they were sleeping through the night within the first month.

Good luck and have fun with it. I still stand back sometimes and freak out when i realize that i am responsible for the lives of 6 human beings, and that its my job to be the best father possible so they grow up into GREAT human beings.

Bdons-SD 03-28-2012 08:14 PM

^^^ This guy... knows the ropes. ha ha

ssgjohnson 03-28-2012 08:23 PM

< this guy... is going bald prematurely!

ideezy5 03-28-2012 09:20 PM

Lol congrats

Bdons-SD 03-28-2012 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by ssgjohnson (Post 2522)
< this guy... is going bald prematurely!

ba ha! I gots me 5 grey hairs :disgust:

ssgjohnson 03-28-2012 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bdons-SD (Post 2531)
ba ha! I gots me 5 grey hairs :disgust:

i stopped counting and started buzzing!

01 D_Max 03-28-2012 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by 06VT365 (Post 2495)
Congrats! I am enjoying our first child, 4 month old little girl. Its an amazing experiance, yes it changes a lot of things...but it is totally worth it!

I feel for ya on the helpless feeling! Wait till delivery, then you will really feel helpless!

I am 31 and do wish I had started a few years earlier, but then again my dad was 41 when I was born and we, had, and still have an awesome relationship.

Hope your wife gets over the sickness so she can enjoy the pregnancy a bit!

You going to find out if its boy or girl or wait for a suprise?

We want to find out so we can prepare clothes and room. Wife desperately wants a Baby Girl. Or should I say Doesnt want a boy? I don't care either way. I want a girl if it makes her happy, but if it's a boy I would secretly love it. Shhh...


Originally Posted by 04.5handshaker (Post 2501)
Congrats!! I'm 31 and I don't want kids!!! My nieces and nephew are hellions and my nephew is the baby of the 3...and yes he a baby lol I can't even rough house with him (he's 5) b/c he cries.. good luck and hope it all goes well. Probably gonna have to give up the Diesel lol

Truck is bought and paid for. Plus I use it for work. I would never get rid of it unless we were going to upgrade. We are pretty good at saving money. Got $50,000 in the bank. and a $22,000 truck paid for, and a $14,000 car paid for. Have a house with no mortgage, and both work full time. Do all my own repairs, to cars and House. So I'm pretty sure the truck stays. But Kids are a gamechanger! So who knows.


Originally Posted by ssgjohnson (Post 2518)
Congradulations! just so you know, morning sickness is just the name its given because its generally worse in the AM, but its not restricted to that time frame. my wife had it all day and all night with our second set of twins.

the discomfort is because her body is beginning to adjust itself to carry the baby. ligaments are going to stretch and the skin will too. not a pleasant feeling im sure.

Most women feel too ill in the beginning stages to be intimate, but generally, the libido comes back twice what it was after a bit. i cant remember the exact time frame, but its a common thing during pregnancy. its actually likely that you will have trouble keeping up when it hits... and then, if you dont act completely enthused with the idea of intimacy, be prepared for the lowest point of that emotional roller coaster.

Babies will change who you are, especially daughters. I remember I had plans of turning my son into a little lady killin pimp...and then my first child was a girl. all of a sudden, i didnt trust anything with a wang. even now that i have two sons and four daughters, i make sure that my boys understand how to respect women, and dont see them objectively.

Once the baby comes, be prepared to lose some sleep in the beginning. Our first we spent like two months not sleeping until she finally started sleeping all night. With the rest of our kids, we learned that crying doesnt cause pain or death, so they were sleeping through the night within the first month.

Good luck and have fun with it. I still stand back sometimes and freak out when i realize that i am responsible for the lives of 6 human beings, and that its my job to be the best father possible so they grow up into GREAT human beings.

Wow, you just cleared up alot of my questions in one post. Thanks for the shared knowledge my friend.

06VT365 03-28-2012 11:14 PM

We found out to, I wanted to be prepared! I hinestly didnt care what we had, but gotta say now that I am glad it was a girl......might change my mind when shes 14 but right now its the greatest!

ssgjohnson 03-28-2012 11:16 PM

We have six, but i dont consider myself having "seen it all" but if you ever have questions, feel free to shoot me a pm or post it up.

ssgjohnson 03-28-2012 11:18 PM

Girls learn alot faster than boys do, they behave better for the most part, and they are more willing to sit still for extended periods of time. We homeschool, and sometimes i just wanna fly my son out the window.. then i remember that he is four and already doing addition and subtraction and i stop being upset. until he dicides to forget how to spell his name again.

01 D_Max 03-28-2012 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by ssgjohnson (Post 2556)
Girls learn alot faster than boys do, they behave better for the most part, and they are more willing to sit still for extended periods of time. We homeschool, and sometimes i just wanna fly my son out the window.. then i remember that he is four and already doing addition and subtraction and i stop being upset. until he dicides to forget how to spell his name again.

That's awesome! Youve got a smart kid. But I realise alot has to do with parenting. Most parents leave the teaching to the teachers! I plan on teaching my kid early.

Bdons-SD 03-28-2012 11:35 PM

Teach me your ways, my girl wont sit still for 5 mins!

01 D_Max 03-28-2012 11:37 PM

He is in the Military those Kids better listen!!!

ssgjohnson 03-28-2012 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bdons-SD (Post 2566)
Teach me your ways, my girl wont sit still for 5 mins!

As far as schooling goes, they just geniunely have been interested in what we have to say. my oldest is getting to the point where she would rather do something else, but she has discipline so she dont complain much.

with the youngest ones the girls just always like learning, and they love being rewarded with high-fives and hugs when they get an answer right.

when it comes to just regular daily stuff, if for whatever reason i want them sitting still, they do... if they "forget" what they are supposed to be doing, all i really have to do is loudly snap my fingers and for whatever reason, that stops ALL of them in their tracks.

My son? that dude is a ball of caffinated friggin testosterone or something. and he likes to forget things. I think with him, he is just hoping that eventually we will just give him the answers if he stalls long enough.

Big'un 03-29-2012 11:31 AM

Congrats man! I got a 2 1/2 yr old boy and hes into everythang! I dont kno wat i done without him tho lol

01 D_Max 09-28-2012 06:33 PM

Well just to update... It going to be a Girl, and She is due in about 2 weeks!!! Her name is Alana Lee Candido. I thought it was nice because My name and my wifes start with an A. Aaron, Amy and Alana. Pronounced A-lon-na.

iowaredneck 09-29-2012 09:50 PM

congrats bro, hope the delivery goes well.

01 D_Max 09-30-2012 10:01 PM

thanks! I am going to be a couple hours away this week for work. I hope the baby waits for me to get home!!!

Midnight Smoker 10-01-2012 10:27 AM

Gonna have a girl eh....best start gathering guns now LOL

UTAHFORD 10-08-2012 06:55 PM

Sweet man congrats

06VT365 10-14-2012 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by 01 D_Max (Post 5884)
thanks! I am going to be a couple hours away this week for work. I hope the baby waits for me to get home!!!

Don't worry...it's a girl.......you'll be waiting on her probably!

My little girl will be 1 next month.....time flies, take lots of pics and vids cause man they grow up quick! And hope they walk later, ours skipped crawling, started a few steps at 7 months, then full walking at 8 months....now she is running at 11 months. Totally changes when they walk, she is into everything and moves fast!

But it an awesome gift to have her!

Hope the delivery goes well!

01 D_Max 12-14-2012 07:18 PM

Thanks guys!

We had her on October 14th 2012. She was big and had alot of dark black hair. 8.6lbs and 20.5 inches. She's a handful already. At 2 months old she can stand with help balancing, and she is super hard to get to sleep at night. Kinda colic symptoms but not all the time, so thats good. Super cute. Just starting to smile and look at you now. Gonna be really interesting for the next 18 years!

Bdons-SD 12-15-2012 04:21 PM

Mine turned 2 on oct 17! they call them the terrible twos for a reason...

UTAHFORD 12-18-2012 06:14 PM

Thats awesome congrats man

06VT365 12-19-2012 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by 01 D_Max (Post 6296)
Thanks guys!

We had her on October 14th 2012. She was big and had alot of dark black hair. 8.6lbs and 20.5 inches. She's a handful already. At 2 months old she can stand with help balancing, and she is super hard to get to sleep at night. Kinda colic symptoms but not all the time, so thats good. Super cute. Just starting to smile and look at you now. Gonna be really interesting for the next 18 years!

Congrats! My little girl is 13 months now. She never crawled....went straight to walking at 6 months! Hope your takes longer...it's non stop once they walk!

Just wait till you come home from work and she gets a big smile and says hi daddy!....it's pretty incredible.

Glad things went good and hope they keep going good.

blacksmoking 12-27-2012 09:34 PM

congratulations, I couldn't even imagine having a kid right now, I guess the whole not having a girlfriend or wife helps. lol From what I understand having kids is the best experience you can have.

UTAHFORD 12-28-2012 12:15 AM

it is fun man but it worth waiting for thats for sure

iowaredneck 01-14-2013 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by UTAHFORD (Post 6317)
it is fun man but it worth waiting for thats for sure

yup i have two (boy and girl) they are a blast, expensive, and something i wouldn't give up for the world. i'm defintely glad i waited though

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