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Bdons-SD 03-26-2012 11:48 PM

The "Thoughts" thread
So this thread is inspired by Corey or "ctrump90" and him starting the "Sarah C. Trump Foundation" in memory of his sister and her battle with cancer.

I thought this thread would be a good thread for those of us who have/had relatives who have , or are battling cancer, or any other type of major illness that plagues us.

Ill kick it off.

A little over 2 years ago my mom got diagnosed with endometrial cancer. It got diagnosed when she started to have some abdominal discomfort. She had a hysterectomy to remove the cancer, and the majority of the areas the cancer could have spread. She went through about 6 months of chemo therapy and another 3 weeks of radiation. She showed no signs of cancer at that point. She finished up chemo right when my daughter was born, shes her first grandkid. it was a big deal, we joked that they can start growing their hair together. :jester:

About a month and a half my mom came down with giardia which is a parasite usually picked up at day cares and preschools. So since she worked at a day care this made sense. After a couple of weeks of antibiotics the giartia was gone, but the abdominal pain wasn't. A CT scan revealed a tumor that size of a small cantaloupe or a big grapefruit, about 13 centimeters in diameter. Thats a damn big tumor. Since then she has had 2 rounds of chemo, has a third for this thursday, and a fourth scheduled for 3 weeks after. Shes going to have another CT scan before the fourth chemo and if the tumor is small enough they're going to cancel the chemo and schedule a surgery to remove the mass.

Ill post more details as I get them.

I encourage anyone to post their experiences, maybe we can help our fellow truck enthusiasts get through some tough times!!!

Im not a religious person but I also thought this would be a good place for some thoughtt and for prayers for those who would be helped by knowing there are friends out there thinking/praying for everyone.


06VT365 03-27-2012 12:11 AM

Nice idea!
I have a good friend of our family that is battling cancer right now, although it has pretty much won at this point. she just spent all last week in hospice. She came home Saturday, so she could be at home the remainder of her life, which won't be long now unfortunately. I saw a shirt the other day that just said "CANCER SUCKS".... Pretty much sums it up.

My Mom is dealing with a lung disease. Its a type of fibrosis that runs in family lines, all her siblings died from it, she found out she had it 6 years ago....average life after diagnosis is 3-5 years so she has beat the odds so far, but ya never know. She has outlived all her siblings, none made it past 62, she is now 68....she is a fighter I guess!

I am religious however, and find comfort from what I have learned over the years. Not trying to be a Bible beater, but if you are someone who believes in God, and believes the Bible is Truth, (if your not, that's fine, not trying to start that debate!) but again, if you are, read John 5:28,29 if you have lost a loved one in death (which we all have) it may just help you, it does me anyways.

01 D_Max 03-27-2012 12:42 AM

That's a great scripture, one of my favorites! And this is a great thread Brendon.

I just have to say... There are alot of good people in this world. But Never in my life have I seen people support each other like the guys on these truck forums. And we donteven really know eachother. Right now on DuramaxForum there is a thread that Corey started, and the guys over there are helping Him get the ball rolling for the truck meet. Then I come here and see this thread out of the blue, to support Him, and people that are in similar situations, emotionally!

This stuff really touches My heart...

Bdons-SD 03-27-2012 01:32 AM

Thanks man, Its amazing how people can come together. I hate it to be over this, but once its about cancer we are all best friends ha ha. One common enemy we can share our experiences about and help out our friends who just found out someone they know isnt well and may only have a few months left. It sucks to say, but in some cases its true. A good friend of mine from when I used to train in karate I have since lost contact with him, but about the same time my mom got diagnosed his dad got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was like we were best buds again. He lost his dad a few short months later, Ive talked to him a few times since then but as we get older we lose touch with people. everyone knows how that goes.

Bdons-SD 03-27-2012 01:36 AM

And to 06vt, Im sorry to hear about your family friend and your mom. Sounds like your mom is a fighter and I hope she keeps on truckin man. 68's not bad though! My dads always sayin, "anything over 60 Im considering a gift" ba ha, hes only 47 though.

Stroked68 03-27-2012 07:14 PM

Good thread! I've lost alot of friends and family to cancer. My moms dad had lung cancer (smoker) and they got rid of that but it spread to his brain and that was it. 1993 was when he left us. Sometimes you wonder what your life wouldve been like if that particular person was there. Lost my Dads dad to pancreatic cancer. 6months after the diagnoses he also left us. Right now our old parts guy was diagnosed with lung cancer (smoker) and they fixed that but it also spread to his brain. Hes in hospice care right now. We saw him last week and he pretty much didnt know who we were or anything. Hes been workin for us since 93 and he quit in 2011. Pretty much like an uncle to us. Just so sad to see someone who used to be so sharp and smart go down hill so fast. Hurts even more when they dont know or recognize you. I think it would be cool to have like a get together or somethin for a cause like this.

Bdons-SD 03-27-2012 07:36 PM

Thanks for contributing, Im sorry to hear it though. Thankfully I havent lost anyone yet, my wife lost an aunt to colon cancer, it spread to the rest of her body. She wasnt a super close aunt but family none the less.

Stroked68 03-27-2012 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bdons-SD (Post 2484)
Thanks for contributing, Im sorry to hear it though. Thankfully I havent lost anyone yet, my wife lost an aunt to colon cancer, it spread to the rest of her body. She wasnt a super close aunt but family none the less.

Thanks. Its tough sometimes. Especially when its kids.

westtnfx4 03-27-2012 08:43 PM

Lost my mother November 15 2001 (49 yrs old). It was breast cancer at first. Radiation and chemo and surgery got it. We had our hopes up and were loving life when her hips started hurting real bad. Test come back bone cancer. The most painful of them all. 4 months later she passed. We were real close. I could not speak of it for 5 yrs. and after over 10 yrs it's still tough. I'm a man of faith as was she. Her favorite scripture and something she found comfort in was John 5:19-24 and John 5:28-29

Bdons-SD 03-27-2012 09:47 PM

Damn man, thats a tough one. Sorry for your loss. If I remember your age right you were only a few years older than I am right now. I couldnt imagine going through that right now, or even a couple of years from now. And at 49, thats really young.

This threads startin to bum me out..

06VT365 03-28-2012 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bdons-SD (Post 2444)
And to 06vt, Im sorry to hear about your family friend and your mom. Sounds like your mom is a fighter and I hope she keeps on truckin man. 68's not bad though! My dads always sayin, "anything over 60 Im considering a gift" ba ha, hes only 47 though.

Thanks, and yeah in these days 60 is a gift!

Midnight Smoker 03-28-2012 01:06 PM

Man.....DAM CANCER!! Y'all got me kinda upset...I have yet to lose anyone close to cancer, but being as that my whole family is Smokers I'm sure sooner or later it's going to surprise me somewhere. I am certainly a man of faith though, so my prayers and thoughts go out to all of you & your familys. :flowers2:

01 D_Max 03-28-2012 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Stroked68 (Post 2483)
Good thread! I've lost alot of friends and family to cancer. My moms dad had lung cancer (smoker) and they got rid of that but it spread to his brain and that was it. 1993 was when he left us. Sometimes you wonder what your life wouldve been like if that particular person was there. Lost my Dads dad to pancreatic cancer. 6months after the diagnoses he also left us. Right now our old parts guy was diagnosed with lung cancer (smoker) and they fixed that but it also spread to his brain. Hes in hospice care right now. We saw him last week and he pretty much didnt know who we were or anything. Hes been workin for us since 93 and he quit in 2011. Pretty much like an uncle to us. Just so sad to see someone who used to be so sharp and smart go down hill so fast. Hurts even more when they dont know or recognize you. I think it would be cool to have like a get together or somethin for a cause like this.

Actually Corey is trying to get an annual Drag day going in support of this. He posted here about it. He is still working on it, but could use all the support he can get.

Bdons-SD 04-20-2012 11:33 PM

heres an update from my mom, i copied and pasted it from facebook since its kind of a lot of info.

Had a review of a CT scan this morning. The good news is that the cancer has NOT spread to other parts of my body. The bad news is that the tumor did not shrink after 3 chemo infusions as hoped. At this point the cancer is contained as the tumor itself. It did change shape and is no longer "inflamed" or causing irritation to other organs. Good for me as I haven't had any pain or major discomfort from carrying this thing around. In this case, the chemo did help as the tumor stopped growing/spreading. As of now, surgery will hopefully be scheduled in the next couple of weeks. They had hoped the tumor would shrink enough for easier removal, but at this point they will have to do the best they can with removing it at its present ~11.90 cm size. It's original size was ~12.97 cm. It did shrink a tiny bit but they still consider it pretty large. Will keep you posed as to how the surgery will go and results afterwards. Three more chemo infusions will continue after the surgery to finish the 6-phase infusion process. Good news or bad news depends on how you look at it, I guess.

westtnfx4 04-21-2012 07:56 AM

Man I hope all goes well. It's a crazy feeling not knowing what's going to happen next.

Bdons-SD 04-21-2012 01:00 PM

Yeah, its the worst. They scheduled surgery for the may 7 and she has an appointment this coming thursday for an overview of what exactly theyre going to do. the most important thing is that the cancer hasnt spread and the tumor is self contained so if surgery goes smooth, after the last 3 chemo infusions it SHOULD be smooth sailing.

ctrump90 04-24-2012 11:03 PM

o my gosh... i have been insanely busy lately and haven't been on my computer in forever. I just found this. You guys are awesome. I am not gonna lie. i found this and i got a little teary eyed. I recently just spent the entire day Friday in the cemetery hanging with my family and my sister alone. Did a lot of soul searching. I have had a rogh couple of weeks around the house hold. Friday sarah would have been 17 years young. And the weekend before that would have been the prom she went to last year that she would have been to this year. I never got to see her in her prom dress because i had to work that weekend. and at that point in time we thought she had a lot more time then she actually did. I missed many things like this that i will forever kick myself for. I am still working on doing a huge get together but this legal stuff is never ending. and finances to pay for lawyers and accountants is taxing heavily. So it will take time. i am now looking at next summer or spring for a huge event. That way all my ducks are in order and i to will have my truck ready. I am possibly going through a career change in the process also so i am busy to say the least. I appreciate all the support this cause gets. My heart goes out to all who have to suffer through this stuff... I am not a religious man but i have seen first hand some out of this world happenings. and again as always anyone ever needs help or is in the illinois area getting treatments for anything hit me up. i would love to come up and meet you and your family. I am going to post some pics of relation to this topic. we took them friday on sarahs bday.






crackerjack 04-25-2012 09:38 AM

hope all goes well with your mom Bdons. sorry about your sister ctrump, what part of IL you in

ctrump90 04-25-2012 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by crackerjack (Post 3980)
hope all goes well with your mom Bdons. sorry about your sister ctrump, what part of IL you in

I live in normal, il.... central Illinois.

crackerjack 04-25-2012 10:08 AM

ok my grandma lives in marion and is from aurora. i know where normal is..the truck i bought is in decatur

ctrump90 04-25-2012 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by crackerjack (Post 3986)
ok my grandma lives in marion and is from aurora. i know where normal is..the truck i bought is in decatur

Ya I was just checking that out. Looks like a sweet rig. I love to ride to but I have had to get rid of all my toys for now. Ill have them back soon enou.gh. Thanks for your service btw.

crackerjack 04-25-2012 10:23 AM

thanks man. i hope the best for ya. when you get a new bike we'll have to meet up for a ride

crackerjack 04-25-2012 10:24 AM

and thank you for your support

ctrump90 04-25-2012 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by crackerjack (Post 3988)
thanks man. i hope the best for ya. when you get a new bike we'll have to meet up for a ride


Originally Posted by crackerjack (Post 3989)
and thank you for your support

ya man. as soon as i get some things figured out im going to get myself on a bike again. Just to crazy right now. but i definitely miss riding... was an escape from reality. :emotions122:

ctrump90 04-25-2012 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Bdons-SD (Post 2428)
So this thread is inspired by Corey or "ctrump90" and him starting the "Sarah C. Trump Foundation" in memory of his sister and her battle with cancer.

I thought this thread would be a good thread for those of us who have/had relatives who have , or are battling cancer, or any other type of major illness that plagues us.

Ill kick it off.

A little over 2 years ago my mom got diagnosed with endometrial cancer. It got diagnosed when she started to have some abdominal discomfort. She had a hysterectomy to remove the cancer, and the majority of the areas the cancer could have spread. She went through about 6 months of chemo therapy and another 3 weeks of radiation. She showed no signs of cancer at that point. She finished up chemo right when my daughter was born, shes her first grandkid. it was a big deal, we joked that they can start growing their hair together. :jester:

About a month and a half my mom came down with giardia which is a parasite usually picked up at day cares and preschools. So since she worked at a day care this made sense. After a couple of weeks of antibiotics the giartia was gone, but the abdominal pain wasn't. A CT scan revealed a tumor that size of a small cantaloupe or a big grapefruit, about 13 centimeters in diameter. Thats a damn big tumor. Since then she has had 2 rounds of chemo, has a third for this thursday, and a fourth scheduled for 3 weeks after. Shes going to have another CT scan before the fourth chemo and if the tumor is small enough they're going to cancel the chemo and schedule a surgery to remove the mass.

Ill post more details as I get them.

I encourage anyone to post their experiences, maybe we can help our fellow truck enthusiasts get through some tough times!!!

Im not a religious person but I also thought this would be a good place for some thoughtt and for prayers for those who would be helped by knowing there are friends out there thinking/praying for everyone.


thank you for doing this sir :angels25:

Bdons-SD 04-26-2012 12:41 AM

No problem man. When it comes to the "C" word and its dealings we are all brothers. Its also to help anyone else who comes to the forum, or any new cases that come up. Just so the guys know there are other members fighting the same battle, whether it be a family member or themselves there are people here to give advice.

ctrump90 04-27-2012 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Bdons-SD (Post 4022)
No problem man. When it comes to the "C" word and its dealings we are all brothers. Its also to help anyone else who comes to the forum, or any new cases that come up. Just so the guys know there are other members fighting the same battle, whether it be a family member or themselves there are people here to give advice.

This is what i like about this forum.. we all drive something different but we all get along.... I was expecting alot more fighting over here. I like that we are all gearheads and still dont care what u drive there is still support... i love it.

crackerjack 04-27-2012 10:03 AM

thats how it should be man. we can still pick on eachother about drivin somethin different but we are all grown ass men that know its just a joke and can laugh it off or come back with a response without it being serious. i look forward to meetin all you guys in person, it's a great bunch we got on here.
kinda like the military branch rivalries, we all dog on eachother but as soon as a civ messes with another brother (no matter what branch) it's over for em lol

Bdons-SD 04-27-2012 02:01 PM

Yeah, West will boot anyone outta here who causes any problems. He doesnt put up with that shat.

crackerjack 04-27-2012 02:20 PM

good. hopefully no one comes over and causes any trouble though

ctrump90 04-28-2012 09:41 PM

I believe in the old saying that.. who you keep around you defines you. The people you put yourself in the company of shows who you are as a person. I am going to the TS performance event on may 18th. Is anyone on here going?? I just tore my trans out today its being built this week. Im going to be putting my buddies twin turbo dmax on the goose neck loading up and heading down. Look for me there if you are going!!

yz85rider2002 04-30-2012 08:41 PM

I never really ask for prayers or thoughts but I need them this time.

About two weeks ago I was having really bad stomach issues and the doc did an MRI on my abdomen and found some interesting and unusual spots on my liver and colon. They also found a mass on my colon. They are going in tomorrow to take a up-close and personal look. I'm sure I will be fine (I hope anyway). Just asking to keep me in yalls prayers.

06VT365 04-30-2012 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by yz85rider2002 (Post 4177)
I never really ask for prayers or thoughts but I need them this time.

About two weeks ago I was having really bad stomach issues and the doc did an MRI on my abdomen and found some interesting and unusual spots on my liver and colon. They also found a mass on my colon. They are going in tomorrow to take a up-close and personal look. I'm sure I will be fine (I hope anyway). Just asking to keep me in yalls prayers.

Done! Hope all turns out ok for ya. Keep us posted!

ctrump90 04-30-2012 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by yz85rider2002 (Post 4177)
I never really ask for prayers or thoughts but I need them this time.

About two weeks ago I was having really bad stomach issues and the doc did an MRI on my abdomen and found some interesting and unusual spots on my liver and colon. They also found a mass on my colon. They are going in tomorrow to take a up-close and personal look. I'm sure I will be fine (I hope anyway). Just asking to keep me in yalls prayers.

I am not a religious person..but i do try and talk to my sister when im alone. Idk if thats considered praying... ill tell her to keep an eye on you. Because if there ever was a little girl that was deserving of angel wings it was her. Good luck man. keep us updated.

Bdons-SD 05-01-2012 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by yz85rider2002 (Post 4177)
I never really ask for prayers or thoughts but I need them this time.

About two weeks ago I was having really bad stomach issues and the doc did an MRI on my abdomen and found some interesting and unusual spots on my liver and colon. They also found a mass on my colon. They are going in tomorrow to take a up-close and personal look. I'm sure I will be fine (I hope anyway). Just asking to keep me in yalls prayers.

I read this on FFS man, its some scarey stuff. good luck and keep us posted.

crackerjack 05-01-2012 04:33 AM

good luck man. hopefully it turns out to be nothin

Bdons-SD 06-22-2012 01:25 AM

Here's an update. My mom had surgery almost 2 months ago, they removed the tumor successfully as well as about 13 inches of bowel, it was 13 cm in diameter. They also removed 6 lymph nodes, 3 of which tested positive for the cancer. she woke up with a colostomy bag which they will remove and "hook her back up" with another surgery around thanksgiving. The reason for this is they found some cancer "plaque" near the main artery that feeds blood to her leg, they tried to scrape as much away as possible but it was too risky being that close to a main artery. They had to have her on the temporary colostomy bag so the healing process was shorter and they could get her into chemo sooner. She went in to chemo after 2 weeks instead of the original 6 weeks they estimated before. this is in an effort to get after that plaque they found. She has had 2 chemo infusions with a whole new "cocktail" as they call it, way more aggressive then the the stuff she lad last year and pre surgery. She is scheduled for 2 more and hopefully she will go back into surgery to get this all wrapped up. The radiation treatment is still unknown. And obviously her chances of 100% remission are at risk seeing how they found a little bit of cancer plaque, but hopefully the chemo will take care of it.

iowaredneck 06-22-2012 12:28 PM

dang man, glad to hear they are being proactive with her treatment, just hard to stand by and watch her go through it

Bdons-SD 06-22-2012 04:20 PM

Yeah man, we try to let her see her grand baby as much as possible. Mainly to keep her spirits up. The odds of her losin the battle this time around are slim, but we never know when another relapse will come. Either the cancer or chemo will most likely be the cause of her death, but no right now or the very near future. It's just one of those things you need to be honest about and kind of make it a way of life. I do have to say, from a realists point of view that the chemo is really taking a toll on her, it looks like she's aged 3 times as fast. She's at 11 chemos TOTAL with 2 more for now.

iowaredneck 06-22-2012 11:44 PM

yeah man chemo will do that to a person, just part of it.

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